SEO’s please help me!? Should I try this crazy shit with my blog!?

Ok, I’m in a bit of a situation here and I need some serious SEO help!! Here’s what I’ve done…I decided to create a blog on Blogger Beta back in March and stupidly did not read about other blogger tools like Wordpress, etc that have more features and that can be used on your own domain name (I know Blogger allows this too, but I was dumb and didn’t know back then that a custom domain name is far better in terms of SEO).
So I started writing lots and lots of posts, but I was using the new label feature in Blogger completely wrong! Instead of making categories like Windows or MS Office, I was typing in full sentences like “Learn the basics of Excel” and only later on did I realize that if I wanted people to get to the posts easily, the labels were supposed to be like categories (I was thinking they were like keywords and I should put lots of keywords in there!!)…
So what did I do?? In the middle of April after writing more than a hundred or so posts, I went through each post and changed the labels so that they were aligned with categories and then I added that to the side menu of my blog! BAD IDEA!!! Google didn’t like this very much and suddenly most of my pages went to the supplemental index, even though they were all in the main index before I changed all the links.
And now it’s pissing me off because more than half my site is supplemental because of changing the internal link structure to make it easier for people to view my blog!!! So I’ve tried to do some research and I’ve come up with this idea…
1. Use meta tags (noindex, nofollow and noarchive) to try and get all my pages out of the index.
2. Then use the Google URL removal tool to take my whole site out of the index also.
3. Switch over to Wordpress after everything on the original blog is out of the index.
4. Delete the blog on Blogger and hope that my pages on the new site get re-indexed and that I don’t get penalized for duplicate content (which would send me right back into supplemental) because all of the original pages are gone.
How does this idea sound!?!? My blog is not that popular or anything and it’s only been around for about 2 and half months, so I’m thinking it’s a good time to try it. Unfortunately, I have a page rank of 4, but I’d rather have all my pages indexed and regain my page rank than sit here and keep writing shit that will only end up in the supplemental index!!!
SOMEONE TELL ME THE BEST WAY!! I need some hardcore SEO people…spare a minute please!
[tags]seo, moving from blogger to wordpress, switch blogging platforms, blogger to wordpress[/tags]

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