Check your PageRank, rating, backlinks, and website using Xinu

Here’s a nifty tool that you can use to check your web site’s important SEO-related stats such as PageRank, links at social book-marking sites, indexed pages for the top search engines, and number of backlinks. This tool is targeted more towards helping your site overcome insufficiencies that you might have when ranking with search engines.
Xinu is a very simple to use, yet comprehensive tool to diagnosis or analyze a web site. It’s also a good way to get an idea of how your site compares to other sites in your niche.
Once you type in your domain name, check off the elements you want to see, and then click GO. You’ll first get an analysis of your URL, the Title tag of your web page, the keywords, the description, and the size of the HTML document.

It gives each one of these elements a rating from 1 to 10 and a thumbs up or down. If you’re not using enough keywords, for example, it’ll tell you how many more words you can add. The next section is for ranking and it gives the value for three big measures for success: Google PageRank, Technorati authority and rank, and Alexa rank. It also lists whether or not the site is listed in the DMOZ directory.
A couple more important characteristics for a site or blog are the number of readers subscribed to the RSS feed, the number of pages that have been saved on social bookmarking sites, and the whether the page meets W3C XHTML and CSS validation standards.
Lastly and most importantly, Xinu gives you data on the number of pages indexed in Google, Yahoo, and Live. It also gives you the number of backlinks for Google, Yahoo, Alexa, Lycos, AltaVista, AlltheWeb, and AskJeeves.
This tool may not be the most accurate on some items, but it’s definitely a great start for any blogger or web site owner who has never looked at these numbers before. It’s essential to get backlinks, social bookmarks, indexed pages, etc if you want to rank well and get more visitors via search engines.
[tags]check backlinks, check pagerank, check pr, yahoo backlinks, check rank, check website, check rating, check keywords[/tags]

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